Miss Instaforex Asia – Rachel

Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (2)First Name: RachelLast Name: BishopBirthdate: 10.12.1987About Me:Hobbies: Knitting, sewing, dancingFavourite films: Silence of the Lambs, A Clockwork OrangeFavourite books: Nice Work, Queen of the DamnedIf you had a time machine,
what period would you travel to?:
Revolutionary FranceWhat is Forex for you?: It is what it is. Describe your cherished dream?: To have a simple country home where my friends and family can visit me.

City: OttawaCountry: CanadaRating: 1416Education: Master’s in English LiteratureOccupation: PhotographerFavourite music: Frank Zappa, Of Montreal, WaxDo you go in for sport?
If dance is a sport, then yes. Are you experienced in Forex trading?: Moderately. What influenced your decision to partake
in the contest Miss Insta Asia?:
My brother suggested that I compete.

Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel

Miss Instaforex Asia – Rachel

Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (2) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (3) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (4) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (5) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (6) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (7) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (8) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (9) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (10) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (11) Miss Instaforex Asia - Rachel (12)